When Is the Best Time to Replace Your Peachtree City Furnace?

You’ve been hearing odd noises coming from the furnace. You can’t help but notice that this year’s heating expenses are considerably higher than last year’s. These signs are clear indicators that it might be time to replace the furnace in your Peachtree City, Georgia, home. Knowing when to replace or repair your furnace is key to saving money.

How Long Do Furnaces Last?

A typical furnace will last anywhere from 15 to 25 years. With regular preventive maintenance, you are more likely to hit the 25-year mark. Without maintenance, you may find yourself having to replace your furnace well before 15 years. Ideally, you should have your furnace serviced at least twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall.

Repair Bills Are Becoming Expensive and Frequent

If you’re constantly having to repair the furnace, this is a sign you may want to replace it. An honest HVAC contractor will have no problem telling you to replace it instead of dishing out money to keep repairing it. If the furnace is 10 years old and the repair costs are more than 25 percent of its value, it will make better financial sense to replace it.

Heating Bills Continue to Rise

If your heating bills continue to rise, there could be many underlying factors. You could have air leaks in the ductwork or around the windows and doors in your home. There could even be cracks in the walls causing heat to escape and letting cold air in. This will cause your furnace to work harder and can result in energy loss.

Having your home inspected for air leaks is a great way to mitigate this problem. During the inspection, a professional HVAC contractor can thoroughly assess your heating system to determine if the furnace needs to be repaired or replaced. The contractor can also assess whether you should invest in attic insulation.

To learn more about our heating installation and repair services, contact Scott Walker Heating Heating and Air at 770-282-5061.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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